
Frank Smith

After 30 years of Business Ownership, I have learned by trial and error and developed a leadership style that helps Engage Employees and Creates a Thriving Business Culture.

My hope would be that you can learn from my experiences to build your leadership and your business.

My desire to find fulfilling work for myself has led me on a journey that has taught me how to create that for others.

Let my love for leading people benefit you in the work you are trying to do.

My Personal Purpose Statement is to Elevate Life through Work.

My Core Values in this are: Respect, Curiosity and Love

These elements drive me to help people find work that is fulfilling, create cultures that uplift people and develop businesses that impact their stakeholders in a positive way..

Why I’m Interested in Business

Reluctant Leadership is Why

Engaging with Driving Happiness at Work

Businesses & Interests